Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants – Congratulations Blake!


Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants – Congratulations Blake!

Nudj Plumbing 2nd year apprentice Blake Bin Swani was one of 10 recipients to be awarded the 2019 Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants. Each grant includes $2,000 to go towards TAFE/RTO fees and text books, a $1000 voucher for tools, and an Irwin tool tote bag.

Rheem had an exceptional number of outstanding applications this year and all apprentices are encouraged to apply the next time the Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants are available.

Blake has been working with Nudj plumbing based in Broome for the past 2 years and has worked on many successful projects including remote housing in Wyndham, Water Corporation Works and more recently the RAAF Base in Curtin.

Ethan Corpus, Manager of Nudj Plumbing is wrapt for Blake “What fantastic industry recognition, Blake continues to impress me with his initiative and plumbing skills” Keep up the good work Blake!