NUDJ Plumbing works widely across Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland delivering high quality plumbing solutions. NUDJ Plumbing also work in remote indigenous communities to improve sanitation and water management and to provide training and development opportunities to Indigenous Australians.
NUDJ Plumbing was formed in 2009 and is the amalgamation of the Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation, the Victorian Plumbers Union, Cooke & Dowsett Pty Ltd and the Jarlmadangah Burru Aboriginal Corporation with a combined purpose of providing employment and training opportunities for Indigenous Australians. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of Aboriginal people in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions through plumbing apprenticeship programs with the Victorian Plumbers Union, employment with NUDJ and the provision of labour hire through Cooke & Dowsett. Having learnt plumbing services skills, including improved sanitation and water management, qualified plumbers can then return to transfer this knowledge and enrich their communities.